BP' s : 닛산이 전기차 리프를 이용한 가정내 전기 시스템을 공개했다.
그동안 전기차는 어디선가에서 전력을 공급받아 그 힘으로 구동되는 역할을 했지만, 닛산은 발상의 전환을 했다.
리프를 사용하지 않을 때 리프 배터리를 전원으로 사용하는 것이다. 마치 리프를 가정용 전원을 위한 대용량 배터리로 쓰는 것이다.
닛산은 리프 리튬이온 배터리를 이용해 외부전원 대신 일반 가정에서 이틀간 리프 배터리에 저장된 전기를 사용할 수 있게 만들 예정이다. 닛산은 이 시스템을 올해 상용화한다는 계획을 가지고 있다.
닛산은 이 시스템이 정전이나 전력 부족 상황을 줄여줄 것이라고 밝히고 있다.
지진으로 인해 일부 지역에서 전력량을 배분하고 있는 일본 실정에는 2일치 전기를 축적할 수 있다는 점은 매우 매력적이다. 좀 더 능동적인 스마트 그리드 시스템의 일부분으로 볼 수도 있다.
전기차는 배기가스를 배출하지 않는다는 장점 이외에, 여러가지 에너지원을 뽑아낼 수도, 변환할 수도 있다는 점에서 꼭 앞으로 가야할 방향이라고 생각된다.
닛산의 발상의 전환에 박수를 쳐주고 싶다.
닛산 보도자료 전문
Nissan Unveils New Power Supply System Through Nissan LEAF
YOKOHAMA (August 2, 2011) - Nissan Motor Co., Ltd. today unveiled a system which enables electricity to be supplied from the lithium-ion batteries installed in Nissan LEAF to ordinary households, as part of its comprehensive efforts toward the realization of a zero-emission society. The new system was unveiled at 'Kan-kan-kyo'*1, a house built in front of the Nissan Global Headquarters by Sekisui House Ltd. Nissan will continue development and study how it can be fully aligned and connected with current power systems. Working with a wide range of partners interested in both its development and sales, Nissan aims to commercialize the system during this fiscal year.
Through this system, electricity stored in Nissan LEAF can be supplied to a house by connecting the car to the house's electricity distribution panel using a connector linked to the LEAF's quick charging port. The connector complies with the CHAdeMO Association's protocol for quick chargers, adopted globally for its great versatility, safety and reliability.
With this system, Nissan LEAF can be used as an electricity storage device for houses in preparation for power outages and/or shortages. The lithium-ion batteries can store up to 24kWh of electricity, sufficient to power an average Japanese household for about two days*2.
Nissan believes this system will allow households to be supplied with a stable amount of electricity throughout the day and reduce the burden on the current power supply by charging and storing electricity in Nissan LEAF with electricity generated at night or through sustainable methods such as solar power, and using it during high demand periods.
This system can not only supply electricity from the vehicle but also charge it to the vehicle. Current Nissan LEAF owners will also be able to use this system*3.
[System Overview]
Power Control System (PCS)
Rating: 6kW
Control system: Sinusoidal PWM System
System power: 200V single-phase three-wire system
Operation display panel
Display for switching electricity charge between supply
Battery power, output voltage and output current display
Nissan LEAF connection specification
Quick charge connector (CHAdeMo specification)
Nissan LEAF
Corresponds to the electricity supply program
*1: 'Kan-kan-kyo'
A demonstration house built by Sekisui House under 'Smart Network Project' conducted as part of commissioned project by the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications
House: Wooden structure SHAWOOD, 'The Gravis', with environmentally-friendly residence 'Green First' specification
Address: 5-1-17, Minatomirai, Nishi-ku, Yokohama City, Kanagawa (Block 54)
URL: http://www.sekisuihouse.co.jp/snpj-kankankyo/
Smart Network Project Organizers: NTT DOCOMO, INC., NEC Corporation, NAMCO BANDAI Games Inc. and Sekisui House Ltd.
*2 Average electricity usage of a standard home in Japan: 10~12 kWh/day
*3 Need to adapt to the electricity supply program separately